5 Exciting Facts About Cloud Computing That You Must Know: A Vision to Technology

3 min readAug 29, 2023


Are you familiar with cloud commuting? Cloud computing is everywhere, but still, only a few people have a piece of knowledge about its immense power. Cloud computing has overcome the world momentously. It has dramatically altered the concept of the digital landscape.

You have definitely used cloud computing without knowing the gist of what it is. Whether you are toying with the idea of cloud computing or thinking about “what cloud”!

Whatever the case is, you will surely like to know some interesting facts about cloud computing that you probably don’t know. So, let’s have a look at the five amazing facts:

1. It’s Not Actually a Cloud

If the idea of clouds is popping up in your mind then no worries. Cloud computing simply refers to the storage of data on remote servers instead of hard drives or flash drives. You have access to retrieve and use your data everywhere around the world.

Even if you are in the middle of the Jungle, you can still have access to your data with the help of the internet. This kind of remote device is like a cloud, in a manner, that your data follows you everywhere.

2. Cloud Technology is so “Safe”

It is the most secure form of data storage as you can have access to your data at a moment’s notice. It transfers the data and allows backups. According to a survey, approximately 60% of business data is stored in the cloud.

You will never lose your important information, even if your laptop gets hung up or failed. It’s more secure than traditional devices because it keeps you safeguarded 24/7/365. What more could you ask from any technology?

3. Cloud Offers Services too!

Are you aware that besides storage, cloud computing also provides services? If not, then to enhance your knowledge the 3 services offered by cloud computing are:

  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  • Software as a service (SaaS)

PaaS allows you to build your app with a bit of investment. Iaas will enable you to develop your business instantly. SaaS takes the cake over all other cloud technologies.

4. Public, Private, and Hybrid, All at the Same Time

Public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid cloud are the three types of cloud technologies. As the term suggests, everyone has access to the public cloud but the private cloud has restricted access.

A hybrid cloud is an integration of public and private cloud services. Here IT is associated with the storage and computation of data on the cloud.

5. The Cloud is the Way of the Future

The power of cloud technology is currently inflaming all sorts of research angles. When you invest in the cloud, you not only keep your data safer but also pave the way for your future.

Intel, for instance, is looking into the propensity of cloud technology to decode brainwaves, cure cancer, and imitate water resource management.

Wrap Up

You don’t need to be a technophile to understand the potential of cloud computing. Just notch up your knowledge about it. Next time around, when there is talk about it, you can surely pull the cloud.




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